
Baptism Signup

Signup to be baptized or have your child baptized on February 2nd


Social Events Group

Signup to join our Social Events Group. This is a communication group for inviting people to and identifying interest for your personal activities/events. Please add your contact info to the form and we will add you to the Social Group in our database,


Advance Youth Ministry Grades 7-12 Friday January 24 at 7PM

Kids grades 7-12 welcome


Fighting Shadows - Men′s Ministry Book Purchase Signup

I would like to purchase the “Fighting Shadows” book for next years Men’s Ministry book study,


Liturgy of the Ordinary - Women′s Ministry Book Purchase Signup

I would like to purchase the “Liturgy of the Ordinary” book for next years Women’s Ministry book study,


Men′s Breakfast - January 19 at 7:30AM

The men’s ministry is getting together to eat and have a discussion.

This meeting will be held downstairs at the church Please bring a journal or a notebook and a bible. The suggested donation is $10. This meeting is for adults 18 and up or 16 and up with parent or guardian permission.


Women′s Breakfast - January 18 at 8:00AM

The women’s ministry is getting together to eat and have a discussion.

This meeting will be held downstairs at the church Please bring a journal or a notebook and a bible. The suggested donation is $10. This meeting is for adults 18 and up or 16 and up with parent or guardian permission.


Salem Kids Volunteer Signup

Signup to volunteer for our Kids Ministry


Cleaning Ministry

Sign-up to help clean and disinfect the church.


Ministry Leader Event Application

Ministry leaders can submit an application for events at the church.

Fill out