The Essentials – Mystery

The Essentials – Mystery

Did you ever think that mystery could be an essential part of our faith? Listen as Pastor Bill offers that all of our faith is encompassed in mystery and God’s gift to us to search it out is the church and it’s seasons. It’s our hope you are blessed as you listen.

The Essentials – Learning

The Essentials – Learning

How would you define learning in your journey of faith? In this weeks sermon Pastor Bill defines learning as being open to new things, and open to seeing old things in new ways. We hope you are encouraged as you listen to this weeks message in our series “The Essentials”.

The Essentials – Witnessing

The Essentials – Witnessing

Do you find it difficult to talk about God and witness to people about Jesus? In this sermon Pastor Bill offers a simple solution through the story of Zacchaeus. Be blessed as you listen.                

The Essentials – Generostiy

The Essentials – Generostiy

Do you have a generous heart? Listen as Pastor Bill describes how God is always pouring into us and what our proper response should be. It’s our hope that you are blessed as you listen.

Dale Van Steenis

Dale Van Steenis

Dale Van Steenis is long time friend and overseer of Salem Tabernacle. He ministers all over the world through outreach. This past Sunday he shared some of his experiences and preached about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Bishop Quintin Moore

Bishop Quintin Moore

This week we had the pleasure of welcoming Bishop Quintin Moore to preach here at Salem. Bishop Q is the presiding bishop of the C.E.E.C. and the Pastor of Father’s House Church in Hutchison, Kansas. He preached an amazing message, with a large portion of it being a visual illustration. The podcast has periods of...

Summer Nights – Let There Be Rest – Day 4

Summer Nights – Let There Be Rest – Day 4

Are you weighted down by feeling like your life is only as good as your performance in it? In this message, Pastor Bill suggests we have been taking God’s burden on ourselves in unhealthy ways. Please listen and feel free in a God who acts for us and not just in response to us.

Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

On August 11th Pastor Bill and Jacolyn were away. We were pleased to welcome, long time Salem member and Elder, Ron Greene to the pulpit. Be blessed as he shares what God laid on his heart.

Salem’s 68th Anniversary Service

Salem’s 68th Anniversary Service

For our church’s 68th Anniversary we welcomed Phil and Linda Aarstad who pastored Salem for over 35 years. God has been so faithful to us by giving us a rich history. Be blessed as you listen.

Summer Nights Are Almost Here  – 3

Summer Nights Are Almost Here – 3

In a culture of overwork and toxic rest, how do we move forward? Pastor Bill shares a personal experience and suggests that Jesus teaches us rest in the midst of chaos. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Summer Nights Are Almost Here – 2

Summer Nights Are Almost Here – 2

Are you burnt out, and don’t know what to do about it? This week Pastor Bill contrasts Elijah, the Demoniac and Jesus. He offers that we often look for God in productivity and He often shows up in something unproductive. We hope you are blessed as you listen. Graphics from Sunday

Summer Nights – Are Almost Here

Summer Nights – Are Almost Here

Have you ever had a day off and not felt rested after it was over? Listen as Pastor Bill sets up our next series “summer nights”. He offers that asking for wisdom can make us people that can celebrate the God we serve. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

The Fire, The Form, & The Freedom

The Fire, The Form, & The Freedom

Are you struggling with who you really are? On Pentecost Sunday we welcomed Pastor Mark Aarstad to preach. He offers that God marks us through Pentecost. We hope you are blessed as you listen.



For Outreach Sunday we welcomed Matthew Thomas to preach. Matthew runs Central India Outreach, one of the oldest ministries in India. We hope your faith is strengthened as you listen to this powerful, prophetic message.

Summer Nights

Summer Nights

Have you ever felt like the chaos in your mind defines you? Listen as Pastor Bill Dandreano preaches “Summer Nights” and offers a fresh way to look at rest.

The Beginner’s Mind: Sustaining Curiosity

The Beginner’s Mind: Sustaining Curiosity

Has your mind ever been offended by certain ideas or questions? It could be that God is offending your mind to get to your heart. Listen as one of our overseers Dr. Randall Worley shares with us “The Beginner’s Mind: Sustaining Curiosity”.

Jesus the Hopeful Life | the life that invites | week 4

Jesus the Hopeful Life | the life that invites | week 4

On Mother’s Day the final message in our Jesus the Hopeful life series was taken from Psalm 23 and John 10. Pastor Bill discusses that we live in constant dissonance between what we know to be true and what we see. What fills that space is vital to the flourishing of our lives. Be blessed...

Jesus the Hopeful Life – the life that invites

Jesus the Hopeful Life – the life that invites

Happy Easter, this year Pastor Bill preached a sermon entitled “Jesus the hopeful life, the life that invites”. Pastor offers the idea that in the resurrection Jesus invites us into HIS moment where we encouter trust, emptiness, and possibility. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

This Is My Best

This Is My Best

For Palm Sunday Pastor Bill Dandreano preached a sermon called “This Is My Best”. Our Palms this year will be become next years ashes for Ash Wednesday. This can signify how fleeting our praise can be. Pastor highlights seven signs we are living restless lives, and what Jesus’ love makes possible. This service was a...

Baptism – New Life in Old Storms

Baptism – New Life in Old Storms

On Sunday Pastor Bill Dandreano preached “Baptism – New Life In Old Storms”. Pastor suggested that baptism helps us look at “old storms” differently. We hope you are encouraged and blessed as you listen.

Jesus the Enduring Life – The Life that is Available

Jesus the Enduring Life – The Life that is Available

This past Sunday’s sermon was the fourth message in our series: Jesus the Enduring Life. This weeks subtitle was “The Life that is Available. The text brought us to the story of the prodigal son. Pastor Bill contrasted the younger brother and the older brother, and offered that Jesus is the true and better younger...

Jesus The Enduring Life – The Life that Sees Potential

Jesus The Enduring Life – The Life that Sees Potential

For the third Sunday in Lent Pastor Bill continued our series “Jesus the Enduring Life”. This week the subtitle was “The life that sees potential”. Taken from Isaiah 55 and Luke 13 Pastor asks the question: Are we quick to judge, or do we live lives that endure others? Jesus speaks to this. We hope...

Jesus the Enduring Life – The Life that Participates

Jesus the Enduring Life – The Life that Participates

Sometimes God’s promises don’t line up with what is currently happening. On the second Sunday in Lent Pastor Bill Dandreano continues our Lent series “Jesus The Enduring Life” This week Pastor Bill offers the possibility that the opposite of fear isn’t courage, but hope! Be blessed as you listen.

Jesus The Enduring Life – the life that rescues

Jesus The Enduring Life – the life that rescues

Do you feel temptation in certain areas of your life? For the First Sunday in Lent we started a new series entitled Jesus the Enduring Life. Pastor Bill Dandreano spoke from Luke 4 where Jesus is tempted in the wilderness and offers the possibility that whenever we are enduring temptation we may be on a...

Human or Broken – part 5

Human or Broken – part 5

Is the glory of God seen more on the mount of transfiguration or on the mount of disfiguration (calvary)? This week Pastor Bill concludes the “Human or Broken” series by discussing how the light at the top of the mountain must be used to shine into the darkness at the bottom. Be blessed as you...

Human or Broken part 4

Human or Broken part 4

In part 4 of our Human or Broken series Pastor Bill Dandreano preaches Luke 6 by connecting it to the story of Joseph and his brothers. In this challenging message Pastor submits the idea that when we feel stuck between the meta-narrative of the gospel hope and the micro-narrative of our personal moments, it may...

Human or Broken – part 3

Human or Broken – part 3

In part 3 of our Human or Broken series Pastor Bill Dandreano preaches a famous and difficult passage from Luke 6. It is our hope that you are blessed as you listen.

Human or Broken – part 2

Human or Broken – part 2

For part two in our series: “Human or Broken” we welcomed Dr. Chris Green to share with us from Luke 5. Dr. Green is a professor of theology at Southeastern University, an accomplished author and good friend of Salem. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Eucharisma Revival Service

Eucharisma Revival Service

Our Eucharisma Revival Services are usually mid-week gatherings where we pray, worship and receive communion. With Dr. Chris Green here for our Sunday worship service we thought it would be completely appropriate to move it to Sunday night and have him preach on what the Holy Spirit does when we come to the altar. We...

Human or Broken – part 1

Human or Broken – part 1

This week we started a new series: “Human or Broken”. In part one Pastor Bill Dandreano looked at the story in Luke 4 when Jesus returns to his home town of Nazareth. Pastor offers that the Nazarenes had appointed categories that they wanted to see the messiah in and Jesus came to disappoint those categories....

You’re Invited – Please R.S.V.P.

You’re Invited – Please R.S.V.P.

This week the title of Pastor Bill’s sermon was “You’re Invited – Please R.S.V.P.” Taken from John 2, Pastor describes questions we can ask ourselves from Jesus first miracle turning the water to wine. Please be blessed as you listen.

The Story Begins Here…part 2

The Story Begins Here…part 2

On Sunday, we were blessed to welcome Bishop Quintin Moore from Hutchinson, Kansas. In the second Sunday of Advent he preached from Luke 3, quoting the prophet Isaiah when he said “make room”. It was a divinely prophetic message, we hope you will be blessed as you listen.

What If We Actually Got Blessed

What If We Actually Got Blessed

On Sunday Pastor concluded his “What if We…? ” series. This final message “What If We Actually Got Blessed” talks about what we should do when and if we get blessed. We hope you are encouraged as you listen.

What if we Actually Learned to Wait

What if we Actually Learned to Wait

On Sunday Pastor continued his three part series called “What if We…?” This second message “What If We Actually Learned to wait” talks about how waiting in itself is an encounter with God.  

What if We Actually Let Go

What if We Actually Let Go

On Sunday Pastor started a three part series called “What if We…?” The first message “What If We Actually Let Go” speaks to the act of sowing ourselves into the life of Christ through the church. Be blessed as you listen.

The Holy Spirit – Celebration Inside the Edges

The Holy Spirit – Celebration Inside the Edges

This past Sunday we finished up our 3-part series on the Holy Spirit. This weeks message: “The Holy Spirit – Celebration Inside the Edges” comes on the heels of a major tragedy in our country. Listen as Pastor Bill shares his experience, and asks the question: how we can rightly celebrate with those who celebrate,...

Blind Desire

Blind Desire

On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Pastor Mark Aarstad to preach here at Salem. Taken from Mark, Job, and James: “Blind Desire” asks us the question: What do we really want? Pastor Mark explains we are desiring creatures. Desire itself is not necessarily bad, but it is malformed by carnality As creatures we crave...

The Holy Spirit – Trust Inside the Edges

The Holy Spirit – Trust Inside the Edges

This weeks sermon, The Holy Spirit – trust inside the edges, is the start of what Pastor feels is going to be a theme moving forward for our church. Taken from the book of Job, Pastor Bill gives us some common symptoms of a lack of trust, and ways to create space for the Holy...

REST-less and DIS-eased

REST-less and DIS-eased

Sunday’s sermon title was REST-less and DIS-eased. Pastor asks the question why are we restless. Taken from Mark 9:38-50 and Numbers 11, Pastor suggests what we can do if we are restless and diseased. We hope your life is blessed and enriched as you listen.  

Road Trip – Finding Jesus Everywhere – week 8

Road Trip – Finding Jesus Everywhere – week 8

This summer our series is called Road Trip: Finding Jesus Everywhere. The next stop is the story of Absalom. Special Guest Speaker Pastor Mark Aarstad shares his search for Jesus in 2 Samuel 13. It’s our hope you are blessed and encouraged as you listen.

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