
7:00PM – ????? | A night of food and fellowship and a little mystery

There will be three different groups of participants.

  • There will be the ones who host a dinner at their home for 6-10 people depending on the host’s ability to handle that many people.
  • The next group are the ones who will bring a salad or beverages to the host’s home with them.
  • The third group will bring dessert or beverages to Salem Tabernacle where we will all meet up in the lower auditorium to end the night.

The MYSTERY part of the evening is…Hosts do not know who is coming. Non-hosts will find out where they are going to dinner the night before. SHHHH. Don’t tell. Let’s keep the MYSTERY!

DINNER will start at 7:00PM sharp! Don’t be late. We have to be done with dinner and at the church by 9:00PM. So, even if you live 30 minutes from the church you can still host and have 90 minutes for dinner.

DESSERT will start at 9:00PM and go till ?????

DEADLINE for sign-up will be Sunday 12.28.14 – There are 2 sign-up sheets at the information center, one for hosts, and one for participants.

COORDINATORS for this fun night are Paul and Barbara Hansen